Brunei Food Hunt: Chop Jing Chew’s Roti Cheese
When dining in Chop Jing Chew, Brunei’s favorite place for tea, I would always go for my usual – Roti Kacang Kahwin – the delicious sweet ground peanuts bun, served with a slice of butter and kaya. Lately, a new contender has arrived, The Roti Cheese. which I heard, rivals the Roti Kacang Kahwin. My foodie instincts drove me to the place at 6:30 AM but ALAS! They don’t have it early in the morning so I had to come back at 3pm in the afternoon – fresh buns off the oven time for Chop Jing Chew
This is what the Roti Cheese looks like – basically a bun with a slice of cheese on top, stuffed with cream cheese and baked in the oven. When hot, the cream cheese inside is gooey and goes well with the bun.
Naturally, I ordered Roti Cheese Kahwin, which includes an additional slice of butter and kaya (coconut jam) to complement the oozing gooey cream cheese – the result is an OMG Delicious combination! Why didn’t I try it long time ago! SEDAP!!
I also tried out this Roti Kahwin Cheese – which replaces the butter with a slice of cheese – not as good as the original Roti Kahwin though.
Note: Friend asked me what’s the difference between Roti Kahwin Cheese and Roti Cheese Kahwin – the Roti Kahwin cheese is this one – the classic roti kahwin kuning.. replacing the butter with a slice of cheese – whole the Roti Cheese Kahwin – is the cream cheese bun, with butter and kaya~ Chop Jing Chew Jargon! lol
This is their Roti Cheese Panjang – which is like cheese bread rolls, it’s alright but nowhere near as heavenly as Roti Cheese.
My friend was caught by this beautiful looking roll and tried this. Not bad – spongy creamy and beautiful for instagram. Girls will love this.
I would say – who needs macarons and scones for tea – when you can have this delicious Roti Cheese Kahwin or the classic Roti Kacang Kahwin, served with Teh Tarik (Tea Latte) kurang manis at a fraction of the price. Cheap and nice ~~~ Let’s all go to Jin Chew for high tea! Best time to go is right before 3pm for the fresh out of the oven buns!!!
You heard about the Roti Cheese Kahwin here from your friendly neighborhood foodie ~~ Om Nom Nom Nom!! Hop off to the best cheap and nice Chop Jing Chew!
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