Brunei Cafes: Where to get the cheapest Espresso Machine Coffees in Brunei!
If you know the Brunei cafe scene, besides the growth of international coffee franchises, we do have a mushrooming effect of local artisan cafes. Unlike our traditional coffee shops/kopitiams, which usually serves Kopi O ranging from 50 cents to $1.50, these cafes serve coffees that range from $3 to $7 a cup - which many are willing to pay. Now what if I tell you ~~ there's a new cafe in town that sells these coffees ranging from $1.50 to $2.50!
You better believe it! This cup of latte is only $2!
A proper brewed coffee starting from $1.50 onwards!
At the moment - there's not much on their menu but the basic instant noodles ~~ you can have Indomie or Maggi, as well as some of their in house baked pastries.
Besides that - they also serve Indomie at about $1 per packet - and $0.50 per egg. Two packets of Indomie + one egg = $2.50.
The ambience is not bad as well ~~
Simple down to earth decor ~~
Have a look at the menu and you realized everything is so cheap! What?! How can this be so cheap you ask? For starters - the cafe is a training cafe in Maktab Teknik, to train students from their hospitality programmes to get a hands on experience in serving customers! You get your coffee at value prices while the students get valuable hands on experience with real customers!
The cafe was pretty busy when I visited - and this boy was working hard the whole time I was there. The training at LongHouse Training Cafe will be valuable to his career in the hospitality field! I also encourage patrons who visit here to be patient with the students as they are still in training. Give them some words of encouragement and a pat on the back if you enjoy their service - but be nice when things don't go your way and give good advice on how to improve their service. The instructors might add in more variety to their menu once they get it running for some time!
Where's the location? Maktab Teknik is at spg 125 (same junction to turn into Maktab Sains) near Delima Area. Turn in towards Maktab Teknik, and see the building where the red arrow is pointing? That's long house cafe!
LongHouse cafe is open from 8am to 3 pm from Monday till Thursday and also Saturday.
They are closed on Fridays and Sundays as well as the school holidays for Maktab Teknik.
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